domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter!

Observa el movimiento del conejo de Pascua y ayúdale a encontrar los 10 huevos de Pascua que están escondidos en el bosque.

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

6th Classwork 13th March

Hello children!

You are going to revise irregular verbs and past simple tense. You have a worksheet to work with. Copy it in your notebook and finish it for Wednesday.

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012


Hello everybody, next 17th March, Irish people celebrate St Patrick day, do you want to play a game and learn about him?

Past simple practice.

For the 6th course students:

Review Unit 3 for the 4th course.

Hello kids in the 4th course, here you´ve got an interactive book to review unit 3. Enjoy and learn!

Preparing English!

Esta entrada va dirigida a todos los papás y mamás que están preparando la matrícula de sus hijos en el colegio para el curso siguiente. Preparar a vuestros hijos para la enseñanza de un segundo idioma es muy importante, por lo que os dejo aquí un enlace con actividades de inglés en Educación Infantil por si en casa queréis dedicar un poco de tiempo a que los niños se vayan familiarizando con el vocabulario y la pronunciación inglesa.
Un saludo.
La profesora de Inglés ( the teacher )



It´s Sunday today, do you want to watch some Pocoyo cartoons? See you tomorrow!

Learning English verb tense.

For the 5th and 6th course:

You can practice here some verbs tense. Study and enjoy!

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

First course:

And here is the song we listen in the class: Head, shoulders knees and toes.
You can sing and play with your parents, enjoy!

Body parts song.

Hello children in the first course!
Here you can listen a song about parts of the body. Review and practise for our exam next week.

Old Mc Donald had a farm song.

For children in the 2nd course:

Hello kids, do you want to listen a song about animals we´ve learnt in the class?

You can find more English songs for kids in this page: